Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Photo -> Camera Raw -> Photoshop

Before ^^^

After Camera Raw: 

After Photoshop:


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photo Story MCW

1. People prepare to buy tickets

2. People buy tickets

3. People start buying food

4. The eating begins!

5. Music is blaring in the background, getting people excited

6. People drink smoothies after their food

7. Litter is left on the ground as the lunch ends

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Story With a Photo - A Crowd Forming

This picture tells the story of the beginning of each lunch period during multicultural week. Enormous amounts of students pour into the horseshoe area to prepare for immense spending. Most prepare to wait in line to buy tickets while those who preordered tickets begin to buy food. This results in a very crowded space in the horseshoe parking lot.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Partner - Jonathan Luo

On a weekday morning, the thought of purchasing tickets, the currency for Multicultural Week, and food plagues the minds of students throughout MSJ. Freshman eager to participate in the festivities go online to pre-order tickets. Most of everyone else decide to wait in a long, grueling line to purchase their tickets. When the time finally comes, leaders from each club gather to their booths and stands to prepare for the onslaught of hungry, restless students ready to pour money into the overpriced selections of nourishments to the booming music in the background. In the midst of eating a one dollar burger that costed them four dollars, the thought of wasted money finally pours into the students' minds. After an extremely long one hour and eight minute lunch period, some students throw away their trash into garbage bins while others litter onto the ground with ease. The club leaders begin to gather the leftovers and equipment to leave. Thus, the day has finally ended.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Partner: Frankie

Shutter: 1/1000

1. This picture utilizes a fast shutter speed because of the moving trucks on the right side. A quick shutter speed is needed because the vehicles move at a fast speed.
2. One rule of composition that applies here is space to move. This is because the image shows the foward path for the trucks on the right.
3. The Line element of art applies here because of the lane line and divided in the middle.
4. This photo emphasizes movement. You first look at the truck on the left, then the near one on the right, then the truck farther down.