Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Final Exam


The picture above was my transformative photo. It changed my view on photography because I found out how pictures can be angled to be more dramatic and mysterious-looking.

5) The element shape involves geometric 2D shapes such as circles and squares or organic, free-flowing shapes. They give me a feeling of flatness and simplicity. Forms involve three dimensional objects showing length, width, and depth. Form pictures display vividness and pop out at you.

6) A picture involving patterns include a symbol or shape appearing throughout the picture. That gives the picture a recurring theme on all its parts. A repetition picture uses pattern to make the picture seem more active and creates unity in the picture. Repetition gives a feeling of energy when looked at.

8) Last Three Projects:

I believe my best work was the Commercial Shoot Project. This is because I learned ways to emphasize an object and make it better- looking by angling, applying lights onto, and editing pictures of the Nike Shoes. This project changed me because I learned how to make a specific item look more glorified and better. I saw photography different because I had acquired new photography skills on how to make something look better.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Website Reviews

1st Period:
Best picture:
This picture has a lot of color and shows a person in the darkness giving the image a dark feeling.

2nd Period:
Best picture:
This picture looks very smooth and has a lot of simplicity.

3rd Period:
Best picture:
This picture is very simple and is detailed with the food.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Final Project - Jason Yu

Shot List

1. Picture of a starbucks card on a laptop, symbolizing me love for starbucks and how much i study in the store
2. Picture of my feet in running shoes in front of path, symbolizes running
3. picture of a desk with a laptop showing music connected to headphone, symbolizes studying and free time
4. basketball court with a moderate amount of people playing
5. Student carrying books to class, symbolizes my dedication to school






Thursday, May 21, 2015

Presentation Project - Hard Work

Weebly Link:

Presentation Project Theme Ideas

1. student wearing normal clothes during school studying very hard, taken from behind him

2. dedicated athlete works out with push ups in a long sleeve and cargo shorts. Pov: from the top

3. student at mission feverishly studies for an upcoming exam. Pov: In front

4. athlete does pushups outside in the cold, wearing a sweater and denim. Pov: angled perspective to his front side

5. student- athlete is doing a full sprint to test his speed while wearing a sweater and denim. pov: to his front side

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Photo -> Camera Raw -> Photoshop

Before ^^^

After Camera Raw: 

After Photoshop:


Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Photo Story MCW

1. People prepare to buy tickets

2. People buy tickets

3. People start buying food

4. The eating begins!

5. Music is blaring in the background, getting people excited

6. People drink smoothies after their food

7. Litter is left on the ground as the lunch ends

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Story With a Photo - A Crowd Forming

This picture tells the story of the beginning of each lunch period during multicultural week. Enormous amounts of students pour into the horseshoe area to prepare for immense spending. Most prepare to wait in line to buy tickets while those who preordered tickets begin to buy food. This results in a very crowded space in the horseshoe parking lot.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Partner - Jonathan Luo

On a weekday morning, the thought of purchasing tickets, the currency for Multicultural Week, and food plagues the minds of students throughout MSJ. Freshman eager to participate in the festivities go online to pre-order tickets. Most of everyone else decide to wait in a long, grueling line to purchase their tickets. When the time finally comes, leaders from each club gather to their booths and stands to prepare for the onslaught of hungry, restless students ready to pour money into the overpriced selections of nourishments to the booming music in the background. In the midst of eating a one dollar burger that costed them four dollars, the thought of wasted money finally pours into the students' minds. After an extremely long one hour and eight minute lunch period, some students throw away their trash into garbage bins while others litter onto the ground with ease. The club leaders begin to gather the leftovers and equipment to leave. Thus, the day has finally ended.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Shutter Speed and Everything After

Partner: Frankie

Shutter: 1/1000

1. This picture utilizes a fast shutter speed because of the moving trucks on the right side. A quick shutter speed is needed because the vehicles move at a fast speed.
2. One rule of composition that applies here is space to move. This is because the image shows the foward path for the trucks on the right.
3. The Line element of art applies here because of the lane line and divided in the middle.
4. This photo emphasizes movement. You first look at the truck on the left, then the near one on the right, then the truck farther down.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Elements of Art - Color

Elements of Art - Texture

Best Represents Variety

Picture 4 was the best representation of variety in "Documenting the Blues in the Mississippi Delta".  I believe this was the best choice because of the different pictures being hanged on the wall.  There's Malcolm X, the great civil rights leader, and then two pictures of scantily clad models next to him. In addition there are numerous sports flags arranged in a row beneath those pictures. All of these elements contrast each other in that they are unrelated and yet all very important to the people in the bar where they are hung.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Movie Monday Half Past Autumn Part 3 and 4

  1. My definition of being successful is to be able to live happily on a consistent basis.
  2. I have given up free time to play to dedicate myself to achieving excellence in school, for a better chance for success.
  3. Gordon Parks gave up side activities to focus on what he really wants to do.
  4. V. K. Wellington Koo, a ambassador for France, Great Britain, and the United States in the UN. Was also a diplomat from China
  5. $10000
  6. There was a fortune that was offered
  7. The ultimate goal was not money but education and awareness
  8. It would be written and directed by a black director, and would portray an African American protagonist
  9. Despite being a negro, his willpower and the content of his character made him powerful and successful
  10. Gordon Parks choice of weapon was a 35 mm camera.
  11. Genevieve Young was sick and tired of changing her own lifestyle and sacrificing so much of her individuality for Parks. "You would never know what you would be doing in the next second, that's how fast things changed." - Genevieve Young
  12. Twelve Years a Slave told a very close story.
  13. Gordon Parks Jr. was Gordon Parks's son, who wanted to follow in his dad's footsteps to become a great director. Unfortunately, a plane crash killed him. Gordon Parks Jr. showed promise and never got to finish the project he was working on.
  14. My favorite Gordon Parks photo is American Gothic featuring Ella Watson.
  15. I will remember how Gordon Parks was so determined and successful in crossing not only racial barriers but also photography-field barriers to achieve such respect today.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Half Past Autumn - Gordon Parks pt 1 and 2

  1. Dr. Gordon submerged Gordon Parks, a stillborn baby, into ice-cold water.
  2. Gordon Parks was born in Fort State, Kansas.
  3. The adviser told him to that college isn't useful for black people, it won't get him anywhere.
  4. His mother died when he was fourteen.
  5. He moved in with his relatives.
  6. He graduated
  7. The photography clerk prompted him to pursue fashion photography.
  8. Double exposure is the repeated exposure of a photographic plate or film to light, often producing ghost images.
  9. Joe Louis's wife encourages Parks to move to Chicago.
  10. Gordon Parks played the piano.
  11. Farm Security Administration was an effort during the Depression to combat American rural poverty.
  12. Stryker told Gordon to attempt to purchase a coat, try to dine at a fancy restaurant, and watch a movie. He failed at all 3 because he was black.
  13. Ella Watson was a black person who cleaned the FSA building
  14. The picture of Ella watson with her mop and broom in front of the american flag either inspired or was inspired by American Gothic
  15. Gordon learned about subjects, how to get closer and more comfortable with subjects, and that the most important matter in the photograph is always the subject, not the photographer.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Top 5 Photos


1. Picture 22 - A Radiance of Education

2. Picture 14 - An Ant on Rope

3. Picture 30 - A Cold Shower and a Hot Fire

4. Picture 5 - A Handful of Wheat

5. Picture 3 - A Net in the Water

Friday, February 20, 2015

Festival Poster 2

1. There are many things that make this poster great but a few factors stand out the most. The fact that the Poster generate so many colors bring attention from the viewers eyes to convince them to attend the festival.
2.  the colors from the poster uses better colors to visualize the viewer. The block letters also covering with the shade of orange also attracts the viewers eye which was absent in our previous poster.
3. we used photo shop to use marquois to generate the rectangular shape to attract the vision of the text.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Period 4 - Semester Final

1. Picture 7 on the slideshow was my favorite picture. It was my favorite because of the large range of colors, its interesting feel of depth, and the dark and light nature.

2. The best photo of the slideshow was picture 5. It was the best because of the use of depth of field, many details, like the objects on the beach or the subtle waves in the background, and the organization of the parts of the photo. The photographer cleverly used the row of rocks to create a feeling of layering for the picture.

3. I feel that my best work was the Master of Photography project.

This was my best work because of three reasons. First of all, I put in a lot thought and effort into these works. I always sought to take pictures whenever I felt that something interesting was nearby. If given more time, I would have added pictures I had taken during my trip to Yosemite as I took many interesting photos.

4. My three rules of composition are simplicity, depth, and space to move.

5. The photo below, Relaxing at the Beach, was taken during a beach trip and illustrates my ability to apply the rules of simplicity and depth. 

6. Your first rule of composition is depth of field. It is very important because it dictates what the picture is supposed to mean to the viewer. Depth of field tells people what they're supposed to be focusing on in the picture.

7. There are many benefits with working in a group. Advantages includes receiving help, being able to help others, getting new thoughts and ideas, being able to know more about other people, and the distribution of work.

8. Downsides to group work include needing to rely on others, not wanting to let group mates down, disagreement among groups, the dislike for a certain individual, and there could be a freeloader, a person that does no work, in the group.

9. The picture below was taken by a fellow classmate, Darin Chamberlain.

10. The photographer I based my project on was Oskar Barneck. His major contribution to photography was the invention of a 35mm camera which made mobile photography possible.

11. Dorothea Lange's most popular photo is the photo of a migrant poverty-stricken mother holding her two children. It was taken in Nipomo, California. She was employed by the FSA, or the federal farm security administration.

12. Henry Luce created Life Magazine on March 1st, 1967.

13. Robert Capa was a founding member of Magnum Photography, that was started in the year 1947.

14. Robert Capa took the picture "Falling Soldier" in Vietnam on September 5, 1936, during the Vietnam War.